Welcome to my ITEC 2130 website!

My ITEC Classes:

  1. ITEC 1001 - Intro to Computing
  2. ITEC 2110 - Digital Media
  3. ITEC 2140 - Programming Fundamentals
  4. ITEC 2201 - Intro to Info Systems
  5. ITEC 2130 - Web Technologies
  6. ITEC 2150 - Intermediate Programming
  7. ITEC 3100 - Intro to Networks
  8. ITEC 3200 - Intro to Databases
  9. ITEC 3900 - Professional Practices and Ethics

My ITEC Skills:

Some of the projects that I have worked on:

Digital Media projects
In my Digital Media class, I designed a website containing all of my projects throughout the semester. These projects included an animation, Inkscape graphics, editing audio and music, and a short video on the GGC Stars event in Spring 2023.
Game Development Company Database
In my intro statistics class, I worked with a classmate to create a presentation and document describing a indie game company known for making rpg and adventure games. Alongside the document and video was a relational database, designed to showcase company projects.
Object Oriented Programming
My Java oriented programming classes have had various projects related to OOP. In my intro class, we used OOP to make shapes, credit cards, and storgage. In my intermediate class, we have used OOP to print out PC details, create student IDs, and display multiple processes, whether it be the behavior of an animal or types of bread.